Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Tomb of Pope John Paul II

Today I went to visit the Tomb of the Pope's. Most of the Pope's having been buried underneath Saint Peters Basilica. Here they lay alongside the remains of the very first Pope Saint Peter. Well at least the memorial for him his there. I cannot be sure that his remains are actually kept there, having only been found, with some excitment, in the 1960's. The grave of Saint Peter, like that of Saint Paul, when discovered, were very humble memorials. Both being simply covered by House tiles as was the custom for the poor in Roman times.

One of the Pope's whose remains are definatly in the Crypt is Pope John Paul II, who was Pope between 16th October 1978 and the 2nd April 2005. The tomb you can see in the photo above, still recieves fresh flowers everyday as a mark of respect for all the work he did during his life, and was still surrounded by those wishing to pay their respects to him even now.

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