Tuesday, 24 November 2009

The Definition of a Human Person

Louis Janssens gave us a definition of a Human Person. He said that: 1. we are Historic subjects and as such are not objects that can be used for any purpose. 2. We are incorporal, we live in a body and cannot ignore its needs. 3. We live in relation to the world around us so therefore, cannot ignore the needs of the world around us, nor any other person who inhabits that world, or the creator of that world-God. 4. Human beings are unique and original beings. 5. each and every human being is fundemetally equal. This allows us to realsie that each and every person is made in the image of God-Imagio Deo- and therefore what we do to another we do to God. In turn this gives us an understand of sin-Sin comes from a Hebrew word which literals means missing the point of life. The point of life being to live expressing that image of God in everything we do. To be able to see this image we need to be able to see God- we do in Jesus Christ. So therefore every good and virtuous act points us towards God and every sin away from God. God being the point of life. This takes us away from the old image of sin being to break one of the ten commandments and helps us reasilise that in each decision we make we need to choose Good-or God as each of us have the capicitity to be saint or sinner. WE ARE WHAT WE DO after all. However our ability to see good is often clouded by our fallen nature. Evil can so easiliy be seen as good, and we live in a world where governments and the media do just that for their own purposes and ends. However we can only start exactly where we are and strengthen our reason through each and every good act, thereby making us more free. Every sin weakening our reason and restricting our reason.

When we do that we are responding to God's grace who is there helping us each and every step of the way. Surely this is our only responsibility (where the word comes from) as otherwise we are spitting in the face of God. God is the source of all blessings and how we live says everything about who we are. In this it is easy to see those who are so richly blessed in our world who use those blessings for the most selfish ends. Aren't these the people who sent Jesus to the cross? Isn't that something we are all still doing each and everytime we point our lives away from God?

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