Tuesday, 13 October 2009


Lectures began in earnest on Monday. Tuesday was a day of Theology. The word Theolgy coming from two Greek words, Theos meaning God and Logos, meaning word (broadly speaking). God speaks, man listens then speaks about God. Saint Anselm described Theology as "faith seeking understanding"

So we look at how God speaks, what he is saying and then take that onto discuss how this word of God and our faith influences the moral choices that we make in life. All too often Catholic's have been hit by a big stick where Morals are concerned. You know the sort of thing I mean "If you do such and such you are going to hell" Or if you don't do..........when in fact that is nothing like what the Church actually says but has been used to cover up peoples lack of understanding and inabilty to communicate. the Church cannot and does not tell anyone what to do, but simply says if we adopt a course of action which is illuminated by Gods love for us than we begin to make the world a better place and also find happiness for ourselves. Framed in that way doesn't it make more sense? I think so! So instead of being a rule oriented church we begin to become an experiental church. One which experiances and expresses God's love for us

A very interesting beginning

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