Tuesday, 20 October 2009

moral Theology

yesterday we had a very interesting lecture on Moral theology. The main theme concerned the moral choices that we make, about such things as say contraception and transplants. The moral arguments centered around the rigorists and the laxists. The rigorists said that if there was any church rule, then we must follow it, if there wasnt then one could not proceed until the church had decided upon the question. The laxists on the other hand, said that if any doubt existed at all then an individual was free from the Moral obligation. As you can imagine this caused some heated debate, both camps accussing the other of heresy.

Along comes Saint Alphonsus, to solve the problem. Alphonsus said that if your conscience tells you that a church teaching is right, then you must follow it. If there is serious doubt then your conscience is free and you must follow your conscience.

For his trouble, Saint Alphonsus got caught up between the two factions and was accused of heresy by both of them.

We see these arguments emerging again in our modern world, but the theology of Saint Alphonsus still holds true

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