Saturday, 16 January 2010


The end of term exams now loom large on the horizon and it is time for revision and swotting up. We have exams in Theology, Human development, Moral Theology, Early Church History, Pastoral Theology, Latin, Spirituality, Liturgy and Philosophy. The exams are 10 min orals, which I am very pleased about, but some are dreading them. The marking is done Roman style being out of 10. Anything higher then 9.6 being a first class honours degree and between 9 and 9.5 being a 2.1

As well as the exams, we doing 3 essays a semester, of 2500 words each, which are marked using the same system. I have completed essays this year on The Carmalites, How to train people to learn gropus in a parish praying the Liturgy of the Hours and on JustinMartyr, who was a 1st Century Catholic apologist, eventually going to his death under Emperor Marcus Aurelias, becasue he refused to worship the genius of the Emperor, giving his loyalty to a truth that he felt transcended all earthly concerns. Which is abit like how I feel about the exams really, so please remember us in your prayers

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