Wednesday, 30 September 2009

College Chapel

I couldnt remove one of the images. Somehow i posted the same one twice. Sorry! Heres the other one i wanted to post.

Main Chapel

We meet twice a day in the main chapel. Once for mass and either morning or evening prayer. The other offices, readings midday and night prayer are said in private. The chapel is beautiful. the pictures posted here dont really do it justice. When the sun shines on the cross a shadow is cast that is breathtaking.

When the college returns there will be about 60 of us here. Then everyday we will also have adoration and night prayer together as a college, which will be lovely. The final anthem of the day being the Salve Regina to our lady

Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The Beda College

The Bede is named after Saint Bede, Whose statue stands in the entrance hall. The statue made of Chestnut wood, from a 150 year old tree Which stood in the grounds of Durham Cathedral and was a gift to the college in 2001.

The College was set up in 1852, originally for convert Anglican priest as a course of 4 years formation. Whilst its form has somewhat changed, with students coming now from all over the English speaking world it has retained its Vatican approval for a 4 year course, tailored for older men joining the priesthood. The only course of its kind.

Monday, 28 September 2009

It begins Here

I have been here for nearly 3 days now and have been made to feel so welcome. My room overlooks the lovely St Pauls Basilica, run by a Benedictine Community. I am very lucky. I will try and get some Photos on this page as soon as i can and tell you all a little about college life. Please bear with me.
My year has 21 students, a very good intake. We have students from all over Great Britain and also from the USA, Australia, Sri Lanka, Samoa, and two Monks from Tanzanire. Quite a mixture. Today we Celebrated mass in San Colombano Chapel, which is in the Crypts in Saint Peters Basilica. What a wonderful experiance. Sorry i am not good at taking phots but will get some up as soon as i can. I also has Spiritual direction with Abbott Timothy Wright, long time Abbott of Ampleforth Abbey in Yorkshire.
I will try and get myself into a proper routine so i can update this site more completly. Thank you for your patiance.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when so many friends are involved. However its not as if i am not coming back, its only 3 months until Christmas, when i get to see everyone again. Besides i hope many of you will keep in touch with me when i am in Rome. I have been so moved by all the help and encouragement i have recieved from everyone at the parish and i carry you all with me in my heart and in my prayers. There is a wonderful community growing and flourishing spiritually at Christchurch and one which i have been privilidged to be part of. Thank you! I hope that i can represent you all with dignity and honour throughout my training for the priesthood. I look forward to seeing you all in just a few months time

Friday, 18 September 2009

Preparing to go

I leave for the Beda in Rome in just under a week and am so looking forward to it. It will be nice to get started, meet everyone and find my way about. I am all packed, everything is prepared, or just about and now alot of hard work and waiting is about to be realised. God has certainly been there every step of the way, and he is certainly a God of sirprises.

I have never posted blogs before so bear with me as i learn how to do it and realise what is fun. If you have any ideas let me know at

I will try to keep you posted as i embark on my exciting adventure next week. Please keep me in your prayers